How To Stay Productive While Working From Home

Hey everyone! Welcome back to the blog. This is Kay, and I’m getting ready to chat about a super-duper-relevant topic for so many of us: staying productive while working from home. Whether new to remote work or a seasoned pro, maintaining productivity outside a traditional office can be challenging. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! In this post, I’ll share practical tips and strategies to help you stay on track and maximize your workday. And don’t forget to check my previous posts for more remote work tips and resources.

Setting Up Your Workspace

Create a Dedicated Workspace

First, having a dedicated workspace is crucial—it’s not just a suggestion; it’s a game-changer. If you choose to work from your bed or couch, it is tempting but can lead to distractions and lower productivity. If you don’t have a designated office, find a quiet corner in your home and set it up as your office. Make sure it’s well-lit and free from household interruptions. Trust me, the living room or the dining room is a no-no. A dedicated workspace boosts your focus and gives you a professional environment, even if you’re in your pajamas.

Ergonomic Considerations

Next, think about ergonomics. A comfortable chair and desk setup can avoid back pain and improve focus. Fix your chair to ensure your feet are flat on the floor. Also, make sure your screen is at eye level. Consider buying an ergonomic chair or a laptop stand. You can find great ergonomic furniture on Amazon. GABRYLLY Ergonomic Mesh Office Chair is a great option that I chose.

Establishing a Routine

Maintain Regular Work Hours

Consistency is key. Set regular work hours and stick to them. This helps create a clear boundary between work and personal life. Let your family know your schedule so they can respect your work time. This is important; I know we love remote work because there is some flexibility, but you will be more productive if you keep to a set schedule. I’m not ONLY talking about your traditional remote jobs; I’m talking about your business opportunities…your side hustle…your passive income…your other income streams. By maintaining regular work hours, you’re not just working; you’re taking control of your time and productivity.

Morning Routine

Start your day with a solid morning routine. Whether it’s a cup of coffee, a short workout, or a quick read, find what energizes you and helps you transition into work mode. Personally, I like to start my day with prayer, meditation, and, of course, a quick workout to get me ready for the day.  Check out apps such as Calm for guided meditations.

Time Management Techniques

Prioritize Tasks

Managing your tasks effectively is crucial. Start your day by listing out your tasks and prioritizing them. Tools like Trello are fantastic for this. You can create boards for different projects, use lists to organize tasks, and prioritize them using labels.

Time Blocking

Time blocking is another excellent technique. Dedicate specific time slots for different tasks throughout the day. Doing this helps you stay focused and ensures you allocate time for all your responsibilities. Google Calendar is great for time blocking and keeping your schedule organized.

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

This time management technique involves working in 25-minute intervals, followed by a short break. It can boost your productivity by keeping you focused and reducing burnout. To get started, try using a Pomodoro timer app like Timestream.

Minimizing Distractions

Identify Common Distractions

We all have our distractions—social media, household chores, or family interruptions. Figure out your main distractions and find ways to manage them. For example, turn off non-essential notifications on your phone and set specific times to check your email. For me personally, I tend to leave my phone on the other side of the room and only check it at the top of the hour—just in case.

Create Boundaries

Setting boundaries with family or housemates is essential. Let them know your work hours and the importance of minimizing interruptions during these times. You might even hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door during critical work periods. If you have children, train them early. That is my advice–I started my work-at-home journey when my second child was an active 1-year-old, and my son was a 4-year-old toddler, so it is possible.

Taking Breaks and Staying Healthy

Importance of Breaks

Regular breaks are vital for maintaining productivity and well-being. So, step away from your desk, stretch, or take a short walk. Apps like Stretchly (a break time reminder app) will remind you to take regular breaks and suggest stretching exercises.

Incorporate Physical Activity/Exercise

Physical activity is essential for staying healthy while maintaining energy levels. Incorporate short exercise routines, such as a quick yoga session or a run, into your day. There are tons of online fitness classes available on platforms like Peloton . My personal favorite is Les Mills because of the variety of work out programs that they have.

Staying Connected

Regular Check-ins

Staying connected/engaged with your team is essential for collaboration and morale. Schedule regular check-ins using Zoom for video meetings, Slack for instant messaging, or Microsoft Teams for both. These tools help you stay in the loop and maintain a sense of community.

Virtual Social Interactions

Don’t forget to socialize! Virtual coffee breaks or team-building activities can keep the team spirit alive.

Leveraging Technology

Productivity Tools

There are countless tools designed to boost productivity. For project management, tools like Asana are excellent. This application allows you to assign tasks/set deadlines/track progress all in one place.


Automation can save you time by handling repetitive tasks. Tools like Zapier can connect your apps and automate workflows, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.


So, that’s it, folks—my top tips for staying productive while working from home! These strategies can help you create a productive and healthy work environment. Remember, the key is to find what works best for you and stick to it. It may take some time to adjust–so no worries.

If you have any productivity tips, I’d love to hear them in the comments below. And don’t forget to check out my previous posts for more insights and tips on remote work. Check out my last post The Top 10 Remote Job Sites for Moms.  

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Have a productive day.


8 thoughts on “How To Stay Productive While Working From Home”

  1. Tinuke Williams

    Hi Kay,

    You really hit the nail on top!  I can relate very well with this topic, because it is what I am about to go into.  To be precise, most women who love their free time and financial freedom will need to log on to your website.  You touched every integral part of how to stay productive while working at home.  You also simplify how it can be successfully achieved.  Thanks for your great efforts.

    You also opened my eyes to the effective preparations and different apps that can help in this regard.  I like how you pointed out that family distractions may try to be a problem, but it can be controlled if you let them know your work hours on time. This article will surely be a very handy manual for being productive while on remote jobs.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Tinuke,

      Awwww, Thank you so much. I’m glad my post is helping moms and other work at home people. And yes, family distractions are real–I had to set that boundary really early. For any mom with young children, the key is to set those boundaries really early because it is much easier than having to break a habit later. 
      Thanks for visiting, and I hope to see you soon. 

  2. Hey Kay! Thanks for sharing such an insightful and comprehensive guide on staying productive while working from home. Your tips on creating a dedicated workspace and maintaining a regular routine are spot on. I’ve found that having a structured morning routine really sets the tone for a productive day. Also, time blocking has been a game-changer for me—it’s amazing how much more you can get done when you allocate specific time slots for tasks.

    One additional tip I’d like to share is using noise-canceling headphones to minimize distractions, especially if you live in a noisy environment. They can help create a focused work atmosphere, even if the world outside is buzzing with activity.

    Looking forward to reading more of your posts and implementing some of these strategies. Keep up the great work!


    1. Hello,
      I’m so glad you found my post helpful and that you found my great tip on using noise-canceling headphones to minimize distractions. 

      Thank you for visiting, and I hope to see you soon. 

  3. This is a great article with many useful tips for staying productive while working from home. I especially like the suggestion of creating a dedicated workspace and setting up a routine. I also found the tips on minimizing distractions and taking breaks to be very helpful. Overall, I would highly recommend this article to anyone who is looking for ways to be more productive while working from home.

    1. Hi,

      Thanks so much! I’m glad you found the tips helpful, especially about creating a workspace and routine. Your recommendation means a lot!

  4. You give excellent tips to remain productive at home! I’ve applied some of them, such as exercising. However, I can’t have a dedicated space to work because I have a tiny apartment. If not, I would have an office because psychologically, this would give me the impression that I go to work. Currently, I’m working from my dining place! But hopefully, I think this will change for the better in my life!

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for the kind words–truly appreciate it! It’s great to hear you’re finding the tips useful…Yayyy. Working from your dining area is ideal if you have a small apartment, but I’m sure that will change soon. I love your positive attitude. Good luck. 

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